Donations help Do No Trash expand the scope of its work, and reach out to many more people daily through workshops, social media and our website.
The Do No Trash Program is anchored with Nature Science Initiative , a Trust registered in Uttarakhand, India. Donations to NSI can obtain tax waivers under 80G. However, NSI cannot accept foreign funds.
Support transforming waste management in 20 households
₹ 10,000
Transform 20 households via workshops and monitoring across one year to address home waste management, reduction of plastic dependancy and sustainable lifestyles. Equip women with knowledge to transform their homes into safe and healthy habitats for their family.
Image courtesy www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/business
Support reducing plastic exposure for 100 school children ₹ 15,000
₹ 15,000
We believe in sharing the content we create. We hope that you can use this content to spread our message of healthy and sustainable living, as well as be inspired to create your own content for DNT.
Our presentations, posters, videos and much more are available to institutions or individuals working with waste management and sustainability. You can also get in touch for tailored sessions on how to communicate the science and importance of the plastics issue to various types of audience.
Donations help Do No Trash expand the scope of its work, and reach out to many more people daily through workshops, social media and our website.
The Do No Trash Program is anchored with Nature Science Initiative , a Trust registered in Uttarakhand, India. Donations to NSI can obtain tax waivers under 80G. However, NSI cannot accept foreign funds.
1. Support transforming waste management in 20 households Rs. 10000
Transform 20 households via workshops and monitoring across one year to address home waste management, reduction of plastic dependancy and sustainable lifestyles. Equip women with knowledge to transform their homes into safe and healthy habitats for their family.
2. Support reducing plastic exposure for 100 school children Rs15000
Support sessions to equip teachers and parents to address childhood plastic exposure. BPA and pthalates are linked to hormonal imbalances in children, leading to a host of conditions including attention deficiency, thyroid malfunctioning, depression, PCOD. These sessions will also equip atleast 3 teachers with basic information & skills required to train future student cohorts to reduce plastic usage.
3. Support reducing plastic waste generation by 50% in 100 homes
Encourage engagements with with families to find sustainable solutions and reduce plastic usage. This helps address plastic exposure within familes and also reduce the burden on plastic trash on the environment. Huge benefits for public health and the environment. The sessions will target women, and womens groups given the pivotal role that women pay in food preparation, family health and household waste management.
4. Support transport of organic waste from urban to rural areas for 100 households
Help households discover the joy of composting. We have solutions for every kind of home, small or big, with or without garden space. Our extensive experience in community engagements for home composting solutions can help transform entire neighborhoods. Beyond the online workshops, our whatsapp groups help handhold communities through initial composting troubles.
Thank you very much for your contribution!